Follow us on Instagram @hailstatefca_
for the latest updates on meeting times, events, and more!
Last night, Justin talked about “the good Shepard” and we heard some awesome testimonies of how the Lord has been working in our athletes!
This semester has been one of the best so far! We are so incredibly thankful for the way the Lord is working at Mississippi State FCA !!!!!
We are going to miss y’all! See you next semester! 😁
That flew by fast! 😆
See you tonight for our last FCA of the semester at 7:00 in Shira!!!!!
We had a blast last Monday!!!!! (the boys did too, just are not pictured 😆) but we can’t wait to see you THIS Monday for our last FCA of the semester!! 🥹😭 See you then!!!
Next Monday is going to be so fun!!!!! 😆
The girls and guys will split up and meet off campus!
-The guys will cook breakfast and watch Monday night football!
-The girls will eat dinner and do fun Christmas crafts! Christmas PJs are welcome!!
This is going to be much a fun night of fellowship! Please RSVP with the link in the story if you are planning on coming!!
Shay brought a word last night! 🔥
We were in John 15:1-8, where Jesus says that He is the true vine. The word “true” implies that there are also counterfeit vines. It is so important that we are aware of what bad vines are, and if we have them in our lives. If we aren’t producing good fruit, we need to check our vine because we are not connected to the right source, which is Jesus.
Do you feel disconnected? Is there something watering you that is not allowing you to abide and rest in Jesus?
Last night was awesome!! Keep checking here for updates for next week’s huddle!
Don’t forget to support @somsstate at 6:30 if you can!!
🦃 or 🎄????
Awesome night of prayer and a word from one of our staff members, Jason Stoker!
In John 11, before Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, he says to Martha, “I am the resurrection and life,” then he speaks and Lazarus walks out of his grave.
Sometimes we forget that we have access to the exact same power that rose Lazarus from the dead!! If you believe that God has the power to fix what you are going through, you will be able to see His glory, and experience the abundant life that he desires for us to have. He can turn graves into gardens!! Keep pressing towards Jesus!!
Have a great week!!! 🤍
See you tonight @ 7 in Crane!! 👏
See you next week!!!!! 😁
Last night was awesome!!!
We started the night off experiencing the Holy Spirit through worship and Bethany brought a great word!
In John 10, when Jesus said “I am the door,” He was claiming that He is the only access to the Father. When we choose to walk through this door, we are graced with a relationship with God, and we are also a part of the family of God. This is why Jesus came to the earth, died, and resurrected. So that we can have access to everything that our Father desires to give us- things like TRUE joy, love, and purpose.
He has opened the door, but have you chosen to walk into it? Have a great week!! 😁
We will have Krispy Kreme tonight to celebrate the SEC CHAMPS, @hailstatesoc!!!!!!! 👏👏
Tyson will be leading worship, and Bethany will talk about “I am the Door”
SEE YOU AT 7!!!!! 🔥
@_jeremiahpierce_ brought a WORD last night 🔥🔥
In John 9:5, Jesus said that while He was in the world, He was the light. In Matthew 5:16, after Jesus has left the earth, it says that YOU are the light. The same light that Jesus claims He is, we are also- when we are in Christ. How incredible! The same power that lives in Jesus is the same power that lives inside of us. We have the opportunity to make an impact with the light that’s inside of us.
What are YOU doing with that light?
Jeremiah challenged us to make sure that we are using the light that we have been given to glorify our Father!
Can’t wait to see you tonight!! We are discussing “I am the light of the world!” Bring a friend!!! 😇
May we rest in the promise that only JESUS sustains!!!!! Have a great week!!! 👏
Yay! It’s Monday! 😁😁
We will see you tonight in Shira at 7:00!!!!
We will be studying “I am the bread of life” & we are also celebrating October birthdays with CRUMBL COOKIES!! Can’t wait to see you!!
Last night we kicked off our “I am” series!
There are seven “I am” statements in the Bible, and each week we will dive deeper into one of those specific statements!
The question we were challenged with last night was
Who is Jesus to you? Who do YOU say that HE is?
Join us during this “I am” series so that you are confident in who Jesus is to you! 🔥🔥🔥
Just in case you forgot 😉
See you tonight! Bring a teammate!
Have a great weekend!! Don’t forget to go cheer on @hailstatesoc & @hailstatevb 👏🔥
Last night we used the Discovery Bible Study method to dig into John 8:1-11. It was a great time of meditation and discussion!
The Discovery Bible Study method is a series of questions that helps you to be more intentional when reading a passage of scripture. Sometimes it may feel like we are just reading words on paper when reading the Bible, so this is a great tool to use to dig deeper!
We have this and SO many more resources for you on our FCA app!! You can find the app by clicking on “Hailstate Links” in our bio!!
SEE YOU AT 7:00!!!!🔥🔥🔥
Last night we discussed John 1:1-5, and it was SO GOOD!! 🔥🔥
We learned that in order to truly know our Father, we have to look at the Son. God shows His heart for us through Jesus’s life and what He did while He was on the earth!
We meditated on verse 5 that says “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” As Christians, we have this LIGHT inside of us through the Holy Spirit!! Are you shining it?!
If Jesus is the light, how can we keep our eyes on Him in a world that teaches us to keep our eyes on ourselves??
Have a great rest of your week!! Keep your eyes on Jesus!! 😁
It’s the best day of the week!!!!!! 😆
Come play games with us at 6:45!!!
WE 🫶 FCA !!!!!!
Comment a ❤️ if you do too!!
🎉 Season 2 is here! 🎉 Episode 1 is live now—go check it out wherever you stream your podcasts! 🎧
👉 Click the link in our bio/story to listen on Apple Podcasts!
Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode. New episodes drop every Monday! 🥳📅 #Season2 #PodcastLaunch #NewEpisodes
It’s Monday!! 😆😆😆
We can’t wait to see you tonight @ 7!!!!!!
We can’t wait to see more smiling faces on Monday, but until then, have a great weekend!! 😁
How incredible is it that we were literally created to be connected to Christ?!
Last night we learned that even though in Genesis it seems as if our connection to Christ was lost as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin, it WASN’T!!!!!!! The enemy is constantly trying to get in the way of the connection that we were created for, but because of what Christ did on the cross, we can walk in victory and intimate connection with the Father!
Last night was awesome 👏👏 We can’t wait to see you next week!!!!!!
We can’t wait to see you tonight!! It’s going to be a great night of fellowship & meeting a new community that loves JESUS!
(We’ll also have ice cream and free t-shirts 😉)
We can’t WAIT!! 👏👏
Have a great weekend, and we will see you on Monday night!! 😉
What a FUN weekend!! Thanks to everyone who prayed & played with us Monday!! See you next Monday for our first HUDDLE of the year!! 😆
THANK YOU to every church that made last night a success!! We are so encouraged by the support from our community. God is going to do great things this year!! ❤️🔥❤️🔥
Still looking for a church home or just super excited that FCA is BACK?!! 👏👏
Come see us Monday night on the Shira turf right after the Welcome Back Celebration & connect with local churches!!
This Labor Day, let’s come together to pray for athletics and the year ahead. Come back in the evening for a fun-filled time with your MSU FCA fam! #labordayprayandplay #joyfulcommunity
Need resources to study the Bible? Have a testimony to share or in need of prayer? Check out our variety of apps created for you to connect with God, yourself, and others.
•Links in bio•
Got plans for tonight? Now you do! Come watch The Chosen with us tonight at 6pm in Crane. See you there!
Can’t wait for FCA to start? Revisit our 2023 podcast season to get ready for FCA huddles and our new podcast season this fall! #encourageyourself #getready
*link in bio
Here for summer workouts? Take a short break to watch The Chosen with us in Crane Theater room on Wednesdays!
We will start tomorrow with season 1, episodes 1 & 2. Feel free to bring your dinner from the PNC to eat while we watch this series together!
See you tomorrow at 6pm! 😎
Today, we celebrate Juneteenth, the day in 1865 when the news of emancipation reached the enslaved African American people in Texas, marking a significant day.
This is a time to come together around Scripture’s command for unity. We encourage you to reflect together on Matthew 22:37-39: “He said to him, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Let us continue to pray for a spirit of unity and reflect on how God guides us to love our neighbors.
The timeless truth of God’s name, I AM. #EternalTruth #Isaiah44
“…I am the First and the Last; there is no other God.” Isaiah 44:6
Serving up some fun in the sun with our MSU FCA crew!
Join us THIS Saturday at the Sanderson for some friendly competition. #BeachVolleyball #SummerFun ☀️🏐
The Holy Spirit guides us everyday, not just on Sundays. #HolySpiritGuidance #CommonMisconception #FaithEveryday
Who needs this reminder??✋🏽
What is He teaching you today?
We are so thankful for @tysoncunningham_! His faithfulness over the past 10 years will continue well beyond his years on FCA staff.
Blessings to you, Tyson, as you transition into this next season of life! We believe God has great things in store for you and your family!
Just a few clips from some of our seniors this past Monday!
Love seeing how God has moved in each of their lives & how they continue to seek Him in everything they do!
Happy Finals week and finish strong! We are so proud of you guys!
Bring a friend & come hangout with us for our last Monday night together for the spring semester 🙌🙌
See you there 😆
Monday night was fullness of joy and laughter! We always love coming together to celebrate all God is doing. We hope y’all continue to pray bold prayers for your teammates and athletic programs as you learn to intercede just like Jesus!
This is what we were made for!
Happy Wednesday and have an incredible week🥳
Hebrews 4 goes hand in hand with our boldness topic the past couple of weeks!
We encourage you to spend some time reading through on your own and ask God what it means to come to Him with boldness. He is our great high priest! He is able to sympathize and loves when we come to Him.
Happy Friday!!🔥
It was an incredible night hearing testimonies & covering our athletic teams in pray! There’s a boldness that comes from the secret place with God & we are just stepping into the beginning!
Excited to see how God continues to move this semester. Only 2 huddles left!!!
See you tonight at 8 pm in Shira 🥳
Always such a good time coming together on Monday nights!
Tag someone you want to see at the last couple weeks of the semester⬇️
Can’t wait to see yall at 8 pm in Shira! We are going to be continuing our “BE BOLD” topic and really dive into what God is doing!
See you soon🙌
Wednesday was special ✨
So proud of these two ladies for taking the next step in their faith! They took our “BE BOLD” topic the last couple weeks to another level!
What does it look like for you to BE BOLD in your faith this week? 🔥
We were made for more!
There is a new life that is offered in Christ, so much more than we could ask or think! Thankful for this truth😆
Happy Wednesday, we hope y’all have an incredible week 🙌
See yall at 8 pm in Crane! It’s going to be a good time!
We hope you enjoy your day off from classes and come hangout with us tonight🥳
Happy Good Friday!
In just 3 days we will be celebrating the greatest news of the world, the resurrection of Jesus!
Have you ever wondered how the resurrection was even possible? We too know the struggle of this complex question. Listen to Scott as he brings a new perspective of what this even means! We have the same power that rose Jesus from the grave living inside of us! He saved us, man are we thankful for that🥳
”He said to them, “The Son of Man is destined to be betrayed and turned over to those who will execute him. But after three days he will rise again.”“
Mark 9:31 TPT
Big smiles because it’s almost Easter!!!
Not sure where to go to church this Sunday?
There are plenty of incredible local churches here in Starkville!
📍New Seasons, Pinelake, Vibrant (in Colombus), First Baptist Starkville, Starkville Church of God, and so many more!
Reach out if you aren’t sure where to go! We’d love to get you connected 🙌
Happy Wednesday people! Good news is here ✨
FCA is tonight at 8 pm in Shira!
Who are we going to see there?!? Come hangout with us! We can’t wait to see you🥳
When we walk around with God-confidence, everything changes! There is an authority we receive when we know Jesus as Lord. Where God calls you, He provides!
Happy friday! Finish the week strong and have an incredible weekend!
Monday night was a blast! Loved getting to worship and hear from Apostle John Rogers👏
Have an incredible week!!
Just next week! Come hear from Apostle John Rogers this Monday.
3/18 at 8 pm in Shira Field House!
Come worship and fellowship with us, we can’t wait to see you!
We already miss you guys! Tonight won’t be the same without you! Enjoy this week and we will see y’all next Monday☀️🥳
SEE YALL MARCH 18! Enjoy your spring break☀️
Monday night was awesome! Thankful for how God is our stronghold that we can trust and walk through life with! He promises to never leave us or forsake us.
Remember this truth as you finish out your week!🥳
”Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,“
Ephesians 3:20 NIV
”being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.“
Philippians 1:6 NIV
8 pm in Shira Field House
See y’all tonight🤝
So excited to be back in Shira!
8 PM🥳
WPHS Fields of Faith!
What a joy it was to come together as a community of believers and worship the Lord! Thankful for the leadership of WP High School and how they love their students. We were so thankful to be a part of the special night!
Happy Wednesday🥳
Super thankful for Monday nights!!!
Don’t forget > no huddle this upcoming Monday! Fields of Faith with West Point High School🗣️!
6 PM
West Point HS Auditorium📍
We can’t wait to see you there!! Have a fantastic weekend🥳
Monday night was a blast!
🗣️Shout out to @dylancupp @_avarath @m.obrien32 for listening to God’s call on their lives! They made these shirts to share a word God put in their hearts and have donated them for free!
Spreading the good news one shirt at a time! Come by our office to grab one while supplies last 🥳
No FCA Huddle Monday the 26th! Come join us with West Point High School in the auditorium!
We are excited to come together for worship and fellowship with the high school community, it’s gonna be a good time!
There will also be free food & refreshments served at 5 pm!🍔
Come get you something to eat & a sweet time of fellowship Monday, February 26th at 6 PM!
Monday night!!!
Loved being back in Shira with you guys🥳
Good news: God is never far, He longs to be close to us! He’s always near!
See y’all Monday for FCA!!!
We are pumped to be back together for worship & fellowship! It’s gonna be great!
📍Crane Theater at 8 pm
Have a great weekend 😃!!
Monday night was special! Really excited to kick off this semester with truths from scripture and understanding who Jesus really is!
We hope y’all have an incredible week! Happy Wednesday 😆😆😆
Come hangout with FCA tonight in Shira Field House!
8 pm for worship & fellowship🥳
FCA is just three days away!!
See y’all Monday night at 8 pm in Shira 🥳
Super thankful for our FCA community! Excited for what’s in store for this semester!
If you need a Bible or have a teammate who needs one… come by our office! New FCA athlete Bibles are in🙌
Happy Wednesday😃
It’s Friday!!!
Super thankful for a first full week of classes! We hope y’all had the best week and are getting into your new schedules🥳
Remember: no huddle on Monday ➡️ meet up with us at the Women’s Basketball Game vs. LSU🏀
Monday was incredible getting to share testimonies from College Getaway, spending time in worship, and practicing spending time in prayer/ hearing from God!
We hope yall have an incredible week!
What a weekend! God moved in so many ways. Thankful for the camp staff and leaders who took care of us over the weekend! @mississippi_fca athletes from all over the state came together to worship and grow in our Christ-like community! It was an incredible time.
No better way to kick off the start of the semester than time with great community!
See yall in Shira Field House tomorrow night at 8 pm!!! Bring a friend!!
Those who signed up if you haven’t already.. check your email and text from Justin with info about this weekend!
We leave THIS Friday and we are so excited for what God is going to do!!!
We are so pumped for this semester and cannot wait to have everyone back together MONDAY NIGHT!
We will see yall at 8 pm in Crane Theater Room! Get ready for a great night and bring a friend!!
If you didn’t get signed up for College Getaway, you can now join a waitlist! Reach out to us through DM or contact Justin if you want to go!
College Getaway dates: January 19-21!
We hope y’all have had an incredible winter break! And we cannot wait to see yall this semester!
Happy Tuesday!!
From our FCA staff, we hope everyone had an incredible Christmas and have a happy new year! 🎄❤️
We miss you guys but hope you’re enjoying your time off from school!
What a semester it has been! So thankful for how God has been moving in FCA! We miss you guys and hope you’re having an incredible winter break!
THE COUNTDOWN TO REGISTRATION BEGINS! 5 days left until sign ups are closed! You dont want to miss this! Sign up today with the link in our bio. 🔥
We are praying for you guys as you wrap up the semester. Goodluck studying and go crush those finals! We believe in yall!
1 FCA huddle left!!!!!
Come hangout Monday night in Shira @ 8 pm! We can’t wait to see yall 🥳
We had so much fun Monday night at our Friendsgiving!🦃
We hope y’all enjoy your break and have a Happy Thanksgiving🍂🤎
We can’t wait to see yall tomorrow at the FCA Game Day Rally in Lee Hall after the football game!
And we cannot wait to see yall Monday Night for Friendsgiving at 7 pm!
Have a great weekend 😆
Monday night was a blast!!
Taylor brought a good word on REDEMPTION and what is looks like to have a relationship with Jesus! It was incredible.
We are super thankful as we come to the end of the semester! Come join us for our last 2 huddles:
🦃11/20 at 7 pm for FRIENDSGIVING
🍂11/27 at 8 pm
A lot going on these next few weeks -
👉 Don’t forget about the FCA Game Day Rally this Saturday following the MSU football game in Lee Hall.
👉 Sign up’s for College Getaway close December 15th!
Have a great Wednesday!!!
Come hangout with us Monday night at 8 pm! Getting close to the end of the semester 🥲 Only 3 FCA’s left!!
Monday night was awesome🔥
Shared testimonies of how God has been moving and it was incredible hearing about so much life change!
Happy Wednesday! We hope y’all have an incredible rest of the week 👊
FCA is happening tonight at 8 pm in Shira Field House! Bring your friends and come for a good time!
We will see yall tonight 🥳
FCA game day rally November 18th directly following the MSU Football Game! Come for a fun time of games, food, and fellowship. Come hangout with some of MSU’s athletes and FCA staff!
We can’t wait to see you guys! Sign up by scanning the QR code or clicking the link in our bio🥳
Baptism, a public declaration of what Christ as done on the inside! It was an honor to celebrate life change with athletes, students, family, and friends!
Excited for what God is going to continue to do here at FCA Mississippi State!🔥
FCA BAPTISM EVENT THIS MONDAY!! We are so excited to see athletes taking the next step in their faith and getting baptized!
Come celebrate with us 🥳
Monday night was so much fun🥳
Felt good to be back in Shira for another huddle! Worship, fellowship, and small groups were a blast!
Next Monday is our BAPTISM huddle! 8 pm at Chapel of Memories Courtyard and we are so excited!
See y’all next week 😆
Episode 6 out now -> TALKING WITH BREASHA POWE.
🗣️Go check us out on all podcast platforms! Created to Be Podcast where athletes at Mississippi State share about their experiences in relationship with God!
We love what God is doing here in athletics! Happy Tuesday!
Come hangout with us tonight in Shira at 8 pm! Bring a friend and we will see y’all tonight 😆
@hailstatetf had so much fun at the Track and Field watch party yesterday! A fun time of fellowship, good food, and games! Thanks to everyone who was able to come - we love’d getting to hang with yall!
Happy Sunday, we cannot wait to see yall tomorrow!
Monday night was incredible! Scott shared from John 8 and we saw the forgiveness of Jesus so evident!
In the forgiveness of Christ we can truly be free!
FCA Bible Plans
See the latest FCA Bible Plans on YouVersion Bible App to get plugged into God's Word